In the first of its kind, Evanston, Illinois, has created a reparations program that seeks to begin the process of redressing harm from the housing industry. Let's talk about reparations and Evanston's groundbreaking initiative
Mar 31
Modern research confirms diversity promotes and correlates with business success rather than scarcity — and one real estate company is pushing to make this a reality through its mentorship program. Here's how
Mar 24
Although some associations attempt to advocate marginalized voices, the stated intent is often far from the actual impact. Speaking up to seek accountability for authentic justice, equity, diversity and inclusion is what this moment requires from us all
Feb 25
Although some associations attempt to be a beacon of belonging, if you whip out a magnifying glass, it is glaringly obvious that these diversity and inclusion councils are in name only. Here are the ramifications of that
Feb 25
Impact is greater than intentions. The solution then is not solely to be a well-meaning real estate professional but an actively antiracist one. Here are a few resources to help you
Feb 10
Language has the power to unite or divide, develop or destroy, so let's choose our words deliberately to advance the true spirit of fair housing. Here's why we should reevaluate the word 'discrimination.'
Jan 18
As we leave behind a turbulent 2020, agents have an opportunity to continue to show courage at an individual level. Here's how to join the new year's challenge to be defenders of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion
Dec 17
The National Association of Realtors launched a free interactive training platform called Fairhaven. Here’s my take on this virtual experience
Nov 24
The Realtors Political Action Committee says its purpose to help elect candidates who support the interests of Realtors is clear. But does that truly extend to those in protected classes? Here's what one Georgia-based broker thinks
Nov 19
One broker shares a powerful way agents can approach calls while showing they care and subtly establishing themselves as trusted real estate professionals
Nov 7
For broker, coach and trainer Lee Davenport, experiencing microaggressions over years of working in real estate did more than just sting. Here, she shares her story — and what she hopes readers can learn from it
Oct 22
Fair housing was an outcry of American real estate's blind spot. Here are a few areas in the industry that still deserve more attention — plus ways to improve our line of sight
Sep 17
This moment of heightened awareness about equality is an opportunity for real estate professionals to etch a more complete story on the history of real estate in America. Here's why the industry could benefit from more diversity training and courses
Aug 20
Inclusion begins with ensuring that all would-be homebuyers, sellers and tenants are educated about Fair Housing and homeownership
Jul 15
When operating in crisis mode, it's easy for agents to forget the basics, gloss over certain policies and unintentionally make misleading statements. Here are some video tour mistakes to avoid if you want to stay out of legal trouble
Apr 27
Think of this slow time as a do-over rather than a disruption, and maximize it to set yourself up for future success
Mar 17
Amid coronavirus fears, this tried-and-true piece of tech can help real estate agents continue showing homes while staying safe
Mar 10
Here are a few tricks (and treats) for getting ahead of next year's lead generation plan this October
Oct 7
It’s all about what you want to take on and what you hope to get from it. Don't make it just about the money
Aug 8
Here’s how we fix this: Post once a week on your social media accounts about different programs that help buyers and sellers
May 28